(Almost) all sizes fit

During the year Airco-Fin has produced various sizes of finned tubes.

At the moment in production L-finning on base tubes with size ø15,88 mm (5/8”) and L-finning on base tubes with size ø50,8 mm (2”). The picture is showing the big difference of the 2 sizes. But is also showing the big range of sizes which can be produced at Airco-Fin.

At Airco-Fin we can produce applied finning (G (embedded) / L (wrap on) / LL (double L) / KL (knurled L) / extruded finning:

  • on base tubes of all sizes between 15,88 till 50,8 mm
  • with finning height between 9,53 mm (3/8”) and 19,05 mm (6/8”)
  • tube length of 100 – 22.000 mm

Feel free to kontakt us for all your enquiries, even if the sizes are uncommon!