Airco-Fin aluminium louvers

Did you know that besides the Rippenrohren, Airco-Fin is manufacturer of louvers?

In many processes, the air coolers need to cool down to specific temperature and the process does not allowed to reduce the temperature of the medium to lower temperature. In this case the louvers can be used to regulate the airflow that cooling down the medium. When the ambient temperature is lower, the airflow can be reduced by changing the blade angle of the louver that will decrease the airflow and with that the heat exchange of the cooler. The operation of the louver can be done manually or automatically by electro-pneumatic actuators.

Airco-Fin louvers are produced according to the API661 / ISO13706 and the frame and the louver blades are made out of aluminium. The advantage of the aluminium louvers is the light weighted construction. This makes the installation of the louver much more easy. And because of the light weight blades, PTFE bearings can be used with lifetime of 30 years. So no lubrication or maintenance of the louvers is required, when installed properly. Airco-Fin has over 35 years experience in designing and producing the louvers, which are supplied to customers all over the world.

Airco-Fin can help you in the design of the louver on top of the cooler bundles and choosing the right operation.